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File List | 1994-08-19 | 19.5 KB | 251 lines |
- ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ 28 - Novell, LANtastic and other Networks │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- ACX.ZIP 75422 03-02-94 ACX 1.10 - replacement and enhancement
- | for NetWare 4.xx CX utility.
- AFPFX8.ZIP 68830 07-03-94 NetWare for Macintosh 3.12 AFP Patch.
- | Patch only for NetWare for Macintosh
- | 3.12. Addresses problems with AFP
- | 3.12a: 1) Certain combinations of
- | volume names, and 2) Users with expired
- | passwords could not log-in using the
- | NetWare UAM.
- AIOCUB.ZIP 32964 07-03-94 Cubix NetWare Connect Driver - This file
- | contains an AIO driver for the Cubix
- | MP2008 Multiport Communications Board
- | (certified for NetWare Connect).
- AIOHST.ZIP 31168 07-03-94 Hostess Driver for NetWare Connect 1.0.
- | An AIO driver for NetWare Connect that
- | provides AIO support for Comtrol
- | intelligent, ISA, multiport serial
- | controllers.
- AIOWM2.ZIP 33384 07-03-94 Certified NetWare Connect Driver for
- | WNIM2 Board - Certified NetWare Connect
- | driver for WNIM II board.
- CAPS324.ZIP 177964 03-09-94 CAPS 3.24. Capture and Print Queue
- | program for Novell NetWare.
- CERT23.ZIP 187341 03-30-94 Novell Certification Assessment Program
- | for CNE Certification.
- CMAIL2.ZIP 648971 03-16-94 ConnectivEmail for DOS (formerly
- | Einstein E-Mail) complete network
- | workgroup productivity and e-mail
- | package specifically for Novell NetWare
- | networks.
- CMDMAIL.ZIP 14388 04-18-94 CMDMail - allows you to send a MS-Mail
- | file via the command line.
- CONEMAIL.ZIP 654098 03-25-94 ConnectivEMAil - MHS-compatible elec-
- | tronic mail and telephone messaging
- | systems. Demo Version - Compatible with
- | Novell, LANtastic, Banyan Vines, etc.
- COUNT_50.ZIP 84606 07-01-94 COUNT 5.0. Windows 3.x Network
- | Application License Counter enforces
- | simultaneous use network licenses and
- | provides license management utilities.
- FLOGIN.ZIP 114558 05-23-94 FLOGIN - Fancy Log-in Utility for Novell
- | Systems written in Clarion Professional
- | Developer 2.1.
- FROCHAT.ZIP 32694 04-14-94 Frobozz Chat. A Presentation Manager
- | network chat tool intended to replace
- | the NetWare SEND command. Messages are
- | stored in a listbox for easy viewing.
- FSAG06.ZIP 109419 05-31-94 SMNPMSMAIL Gateway for NT (Beta).
- FSL141.ZIP 122138 06-01-94 FSLOGIN 1.41 <ASP> Full Screen Log-in
- | is a menu utility for all Novell users.
- | This program gives your users a new and
- | enhanced way to log-in. Installation
- | takes five minutes. Author: Aad
- | Slingerland.
- FTPD19.ZIP 28679 06-24-94 FreeWare FTP Server NLM for Novell
- | Netware 3.11.
- IPXFER11.ZIP 23370 06-13-94 IPXFER IPX network file transfer program
- | 1.1. This utility allow you to QUICKLY
- | send files between two computers that
- | are linked via an IPX network.
- LANNEWS.ZIP 37411 04-05-94 LAN Systems Network News.
- LNHAY1.ZIP 6706 03-29-94 Lanstep tech notes from Hayes.
- LNHAY3.ZIP 4501 03-29-94 Lanstep tech notes from Hayes.
- LWG201.ZIP 38024 07-03-94 LWG BOOTPD Abend, Invalid Semaphore to
- | Kernel - contains updates for BOOTP.NLM
- | and BOOTPFD.NLM for LAN WorkGroup 4.1.
- | Resolves problems with file server
- | abending when invalid semaphore is
- | passed to kernel.
- LWP188.ZIP 404760 07-03-94 LAN WorkPlace Applications Update 4.1 to
- | 4.2. Enables LAN WorkPlace for DOS and
- | LAN WorkGroup users to update their
- | applications from version 4.1 to the
- | latest version 4.2.
- LWP189.ZIP 334780 07-03-94 LAN WorkPlace Stack Update 4.1 to 4.2
- | enables LAN WorkPlace for DOS and LAN
- | WorkGroup users to update the TCP/IP
- | Stack from 4.1 to the latest version
- | 4.2.
- LWP200.ZIP 133092 07-03-94 LAN WorkPlace for DOS Install on Com-
- | pressed Drive - enables LAN WorkPlace
- | for DOS to be installed on compressed
- | drives.
- MAILPROT.ZIP 8932 05-21-94 LAN/Mail Protocol for Workstations using
- | a Central Mail Server.
- NAM312.ZIP 8579 04-05-94 MAC NAM for NetWare for Macintosh 3.12.
- | This MAC NAM file should only be used
- | with NetWare 3.11 or 3.12 and NetWare
- | for Macintosh 3.0x and 3.12. This
- | version should replace the MAC NAM 3.4
- | that ships with NetWare 3.11.
- NAM401.ZIP 8456 04-05-94 MAC NAM for NetWare for Macintosh 4.01.
- | This MAC NAM file should only be used
- | with NetWare 4.01 and NetWare for
- | Macintosh 4.01. This version should
- | replace the MAC NAM that ships with
- | NetWare 4.01.
- NB22.ZIP 218493 03-09-94 NOTICE BOARD 2.2 <ASP> Provides all of
- | the facilities of an office notice board
- | on your LAN, and a (no memory overhead)
- | menu system, rolled into one. As well
- | as the key notices, which appear auto-
- | matically whenever the package is run,
- | it has a simple-to-use menu structure
- | allowing users to browse through a
- | potentially huge database of further
- | information.
- NCONSL.ZIP 71390 04-18-94 Nconsole - Collects, averages, accumu-
- | lates and tracks key server performance
- | statistics on netware 3.x servers -
- | includes a console screen saver!
- NETASS.ZIP 200736 04-05-94 Novell network assistant nifty little
- | utility that allows some syscon control
- | of multiple file servers.
- NETMEM.ZIP 143294 05-30-94 Netware memory calculator.
- NETSPO.ZIP 44751 04-11-94 NetSpool Network Printer Utility -
- | NetWare network multiple print queue
- | manager makes it easy for network users
- | to direct print jobs to any printer.
- NGM192.ZIP 279068 07-03-94 Global MHS 2.0b to 2.0c Upgrade. If you
- | have a version other than an official
- | red box or patched version of NGM2.0b,
- | this upgrade will not work. This GMHS
- | patch for NetWare 4.01 works in Bindery
- | Emulation mode ONLY.
- NLSCRN20.ZIP 180350 04-29-94 NLSCREEN 2.0: Network Log-in Screen -
- | can display a message to users as they
- | log in.
- NOVUTI.ZIP 192781 06-09-94 Collection of Novell utilities.
- NWANSI11.ZIP 16502 03-17-94 NW ANSI 1.1 - If ANSI driver installed,
- | set ERRORLEVEL. Excellent for network
- | batch files that need to make sure the
- | end user still has an ANSI driver
- | loaded! By Steve Meirowsky of New World
- | Designs.
- NWC001.ZIP 474345 07-14-94 Netware connect maintenance and 4.01
- | compatibility - NWC001.EXE and
- | NWC002.EXE Must be Used Together.
- NWC002.ZIP 250721 07-14-94 Netware connect maintenance and 4.01
- | compatibility - Provides: 1) All The
- | Latest "patches" For Netware Connect
- | 1.0, And 2) The Files Required to Make
- | Netware Connect More Compatible With
- | Netware 4.01.
- NWCMOD2.ZIP 40562 07-03-94 NetWare Connect Modem Control - NWCMOD
- | will always contain the newest modem
- | control file for NetWare Connect.
- NWCRUL.ZIP 12234 07-14-94 Netware Connect Rules of Thumb - Docu-
- | ment That Helps to Configure Netware
- | Connect Software For Optimal Performance
- | And Reliability by Providing Hardware
- | And Software Recommendations.
- NWCTIP1.ZIP 6118 07-14-94 Netware Connect Tips. Technical Tips
- | For Netware Connect.
- NWFHC11.ZIP 16261 03-17-94 NW FHCNT 1.1 - Return file handle count
- | in ERRORLEVEL. Excellent for network
- | batch files that need to make sure the
- | end user has not changed 'files' in
- | config.sys. By Steve Meirowsky of New
- | World Designs.
- NWTCPIP.ZIP 13649 05-10-94 Instructions for configuring Netware and
- | IBM TCP/IP 2.0 with examples.
- NWULIS.ZIP 70940 03-10-94 NWUserlist 1.2a. Windows utility shows
- | active connections on Novell NetWare
- | networks. Includes full name, node
- | address, login time and groups belonged
- | to.
- PBMV2H.ZIP 56248 04-14-94 PB Menu 2.6b. Menuing System for Novell
- | NetWare - now supports NetWare 2.x. 3.x
- | and 4.x with zero memory overhead, built
- | in screen blanker and password
- | protection.
- PCCTRL1B.ZIP 35456 04-03-94 Process Control 1.0 ßeta2. Change
- | process priorities on-the-fly.
- PMAIL311.ZIP 808671 04-15-94 Pegasus Mail 3.11. This is a FREE
- | E-Mail package for PC/MS-DOS and Novell
- | Netware. Everything you need is in the
- | file. From the Internet.
- PRINQ5.ZIP 15977 06-09-94 PrintQ builds a double box menu on the
- | screen for 1 to 7 Print queues, plus a
- | option for Local Printer and Abort.
- | Designed for Novell but can be run on
- | any network.
- PRINTSNW.ZIP 143014 03-01-94 NetWork (NetWare) Printer Server
- | Utility.
- RSYNC1.ZIP 71779 07-03-94 NetWare MHS Remote Node Utility (RSYNC)
- | A DOS executable to allow NetWare Remote
- | MHS 2.0 (RMHS) user with RMHS using
- | "Part-time Remote User" mode to take
- | advantage of remote-node connection to
- | the network to exchange messages.
- SMCAP.ZIP 8912 03-23-94 A utility providing some of the
- | functionality of Novell's capture
- | program in a much smaller package.
- SMRTPW.ZIP 291113 03-22-94 SmartPass - NetWare .NLM Security
- | Password Analyzer identifies potential
- | holes in network security by scanning
- | user accounts against predefined
- | databases of weak, obvious or easy to
- | guess passwords. Checks for over
- | 150,000 passwords such as celebrity
- | names, computer jargon, common words and
- | first and last name.
- SOB60.ZIP 269799 04-18-94 SOB 6.0. A signout board for use by
- | small to medium business in tracking
- | their staff's daily comings and goings.
- | Network sensitive allowing multiple
- | update access to the data files and will
- | display changes back to other users as
- | the changes occur.
- SSACCESS.ZIP 9968 04-12-94 Program to Display a Users Access in
- | SerServer Version 2.25.
- TCU31.ZIP 279181 03-22-94 TC Utilities 3.1. NetWare utilities
- | package includes TCmenu, TCfiler and
- | TCeditor.
- VDS30J.ZIP 265225 03-14-94 VDS (Virus Detection System) 3.0. An
- | up-to-date anti-virus package for IBM
- | PCs with Novell Netware(tm) LAN support.
- | It features a fast scanner, a robust
- | integrity checker, real-time decoy
- | launcher, and a generic virus remover.
- | Its user interface is one of the most
- | functional in the market. This is the
- | shareware release of the military-grade
- | "Pro" version.
- VLMUP2.ZIP 58860 06-16-94 Novell NetWare VLM 1.11 drivers. Updates
- | selected VLMs since 1.10 client kit was
- | released. From NetWire.
- WANCHAT.ZIP 27337 03-04-94 This utility allows you to chat with
- | multiple people across a Novell Wide-
- | Area-Network. The user-interface is
- | similar to the internet IRC (Internet
- | Relay Chat) with access to multiple
- | channels, handling of topics and user
- | 'handles'. Also works in an IPX only
- | environment such as Netware Lite.
- | Shareware Version.
- WNN_108.ZIP 57986 03-27-94 Windows News for Networks 1.08. Helps
- | network administrators communicate
- | system changes to network users. When
- | run, Windows News for Networks will
- | determine the proper action to take for
- | each individual user.
- ZZNLM.ZIP 25703 03-02-94 ZZNotify NLM Demo. Notifies users when
- | they have messages in their mail box.
- | Options for frequency, message, etc.